This is some text Since Grand Central hotel is very big and every day there are a lot ofpeople that come to this hotel and then book a room for them to stay for acouple of days or even for a single night as everything is allowed. Not onlydoes the Grand Central hotel give the senior citizen discount to people who areabove the age of 50 years, but other hotels, restaurants, and other places alsohave this offer. There are also special things like if there is a line somewhere to doany kind of thing, then the senior citizen does not have to wait in a line asthey can just skip the line, go ahead and complete their work. This was a special rule that was made in the bank but is being followedby most of the businesses around the world. This is a good thing that the Grand Central hotel gives firstreservation to the senior citizen and along with they give them high-qualityservice, and also, they charge them 10% less than the normal price which theykept for all the people to pay. These people have theircaretakers if they want something or need something done. of a div block.